Supporting One Another

Small Group Bible Studies

As a church we believe that all ministry begins with God’s word ministering to our hearts. In God’s word we find comfort in times of difficulty, encouragement in our challenges, and instruction for all seasons of life.

Our vision is to see the believers at Bethany mature in their faith through God's word, and in turn to reach out into their communities and beyond. Because of this, various small groups meet at different times during the week to study God’s word, and we encourage all believers to be students of God’s word.

To learn more about the current Bible studies at Bethany, email us.

The Caregivers Prayer Support Group is a small group for women who find themselves caring for another adult (parents, spouse, etc.) Regardless of whether the loved one is living with the caregiver, living in their own home, or in a care facility, being a caregiver is often a uniquely difficult season of life.

Each meeting is an opportunity to encourage one another with Scripture and our own personal experiences. The Caregivers Support Group is a safe place to share your concerns or needs associated with caregiving. This group also provides a chance to share informational resources that have been found helpful. Most importantly, we make every effort to pray for each other, not just during each meeting, but also throughout each month.

This group meets on the 2nd Sunday each month, following the morning’s services.

Caregivers Prayer Support Group


Mom to Mom is a place for mothers to meet together and to share their experiences with the people who know the struggles of motherhood best—other moms! Each meeting is an opportunity to gain wisdom, discuss challenges, and be encouraged in the vital ministry that God has given to each and every mom. Meetings will often include a video from various resources—such as the Mom to Mom video series, “Sacred Parenting” by Gary Thomas, or “I Love You More” by Dr. Les and Leslie Parrot.

Mom to Mom meets every other Thursday morning at 9:45, from late September to early June. Child care is provided, and all mothers, whatever their children's age, are invited to join.

Please contact Mary Klink for more information.

“Mom to Mom is a Biblically based parenting program designed around the Titus 2:4 concept of older women teaching and encouraging younger women in their relationships with their husbands and children. It includes quality instruction in parenting, small group discussion, and the interaction of more experienced mothers with younger moms. Designed to be both a place of nurture for Christian and non-Christian women.”