
Miscellaneous Sermons

Who is this Baby? - 12/22/19
Matthew Duquette
Easter 2019 - 4/21/19
Don Heymann
Feeling Alone - 1/13/19
Jim Klink
Christmas 2018 - 12/23/18
Jim Klink
Bearing & Receiving - 12/16/18
Matt Duquette
Strategies to Fight the Enemy - 11/4/18
Paul Friesen
Dedication - 10/21/18
Jim Klink
Life in the Lamb - 09/23/18
Scott Morelli
Nicodemus - 9/16/18
Mark Blackwell
Ruth - 9/9/18
Matt Duquette
Yahweh the Rescuer - 12/24/17
Jim Klink
The Yolk is Easy - 9/10/17
Mark Blackwell
He is Risen - 4/16/17
Jim Klink
Do Not Be Ashamed of the Gospel - 4/9/17
Dwight Knight
The Word Became Flesh At Christmas - 12/25/16
Bob Mushen
Jude - 10/2/16
Norm Thibeault
Repeat and Remember - 8/28/16
Dr. Jeff Arthurs
The Promises of God - 7/31/16
Mark Blackwell
Heart Evaluation (pt 2) - 6/5/16
Jim Klink
Heart Evaluation (pt 1) - 5/29/16
Jim Klink
Missions: An Update on Michel Kenmogne and SIL - 4/10/16
Dr. John Waters
Expecting God's Unexpected Ways - 2015
Paul Lagasse